Final Moments As CSR


Being a CSR (Customer Service Representative) was fun. Made me get out from my comfort zone. I learned a lot, and I'm extraordinary grateful for the opportunity that was granted.

Image found on google

Let's start where I left off, shall we? I was transferred to another client, and let me tell you it was awesome. It was more organised than the previous client. I even improved in my evaluations. I loved it, working for both company I was assigned to simultaneously. I loved my coaches, and everything. It felt awesome. I would still get the tough customers, but since it was organised the transfers, and work, the calls rarely escalated. I only last for two weeks, until I was transfer back to my old client. 

When I was transferred back, it was awful, but thanks to the last two, I gained a little more confidence in myself. Why it was awful? The transfer to different department was the same number. For example; For retirees it's with the retiree department, because I only handled active employees. Transfer for retiree, 2015 issues, 2016 issues, status changes, payments, claims, etc; was the number 83. For all those things. While the other two company was for billing is 20, for status changes is 30, for claims is 40. You probably get the picture. As you can imagine a lot of customer been through between three to twelve transfers, and all were incorrect, since all departments/specialist are under the same number. All off them were angry, saying: "You don't know what you are doing.", "You are retarded I don't who on earth even hired you." or the most famous one "I want to speak with your supervisor.". With the previous two I rarely get those comments, since everything was organised. When transferring back, I never imagined how insane it was. 

In the end, the company let me go, because annual enrolment was over, and there wasn't any more jobs available. They even let go of people which supervisor was going to recommend so they can get a promotion. What I didn't like was they tell you at the same moment. So you can get lay-off at any moment, and when you least expected it. If I knew, I would of accepted other jobs offers, it was given to me, and not said I'm not interested at the moment. Thanks to that I feel I have to start from zero. When I got the news, I just smiled. Also I thanked the person who hired me for giving me the opportunity, and letting me gain experience. 

If the company is reading this, or the clients I used to worked for. For the company would be to let people know two days or a week before, so colleagues can prepare themselves, and look for jobs before hand. For the first client I worked for would be for them to be more organised, and create different numbers for different departments, and that way you won't get high volume calls or spend an hour on the phone until the customer is transfer to the correct place. Other than that, thank you for providing me knowledge, skills improvement, and experience. I shall cherish it.

All images in this post are not own by me. I found it on google. :v


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