Do you believe in dreams?


For the first time in my life. I hate that Christmas is coming, because during this time of the year. something that I considered a miracle, and blessing, turned into a nightmare. The dreams I had all chattered, because of one incident. 

Do you believe in dreams?

When I was younger. I was a dreamer. My dreams meant the whole world to me. Living a dream was my turn happiness. Until my world crumbled, and fell into pieces. The was a person who saved me from it, but now that person turned into a stranger. Now I back into square one. I know, I create my own happiness. I was slapped in the face, because I didn't had any malice. I heard without malice, you won't survive. After everything that happened this year, I don't believe in dreams anymore. Now I think everything is useless. They are people who works hard that can actually achieve it. Myself? After everything, I feel lost in life. No matter how hard I work, I always lose. For me, those who dream are very courages people.

What are or were your dreams?

My dream was Japan. I admire how they preserve their culture. I admire its beauty. I admire their manners, and they way the Japanese live. Since I was little I wanted to know everything about their culture, and their history. There's still a fire inside that wants to pursuit it. Want want to travel the world, the learn everything about different cultures, because I know what I consider polite, it may be consider rude in other countries. I want to see things in a larger point of view, not just one. I had a dream to study graphic design. I did graduated, but since I wasn't offered internships or nothing, it's kinda impossible to get a job. I don't consider myself creative anymore, since those flames where being extinguished little by little, during my college years. I also had a dream to spend the rest of my life with a significant other, in the I was left like trash, because of a misunderstanding, and a fright. Even if I haven't give up, it's just impossible... The other dream was to save a large amount of money that I could, but in the end I was lay-off. While those who arrives late or only shows up to work two to three times a week stayed. I even walked at night to my home, since I don't have money to afford for a car. Their are people who haves a large amount of blessing, and take it for granted. I had other dreams like practice Kendo, learn the Japanese language, motivational speaker, help others, repay my grandmother for everything she had dome, and most importantly become happy for the rest of my life.

Are you going to fight for your dreams?

For me dreams are like reaching my goals, without goals life will have no meaning. No matter many times I fall, get hurt, cry, in pain, even if I will never get out from rock bottom. I continue moving forward, even if it'll lead me to nowhere. I admit, I had even harmed myself, because there are times, I don't even like myself. That's is important loving yourself no matter what. I learned during my journey reaching your dreams, your goals, you life. Social status it's not important, I treat everyone as equal, because someday you may end up in their shoes. That's the malice I don't have, believing that everyone have a potential of doing something extraordinary, even those who doesn't even deserves it. In conclusion, fighting for my dreams, it's literally the only thing that keeps me alive, even if may not happen, nobody knows.

What are you going to do now?

Press forward, it's the only thing I can do. I don't know where my journey will end up. I don't even know what will become of me in the future. The only thing I can do is keep on walking, and see what happens.

Any advices?

If you believe that you know everything, that is not true. Not even the wises of monks can predict the future or even control their own destiny. Everything that you know may be true, just like it can be false. To be sincere nobody knows everything, you must had lived thousand  of years in order to obtain such knowledge. Everyday you always learn something new, because life offer us endless lessons.


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