Study VS Working


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Hello all hope you are well.

Been a long time since I post something here. To be sincere I stop posting, because I think nobody will read it. Let's continue.

I finally graduated from University, got a job that I wanted, even if it's nothing related to what I studied. I got everything, and yet I don't feel so happy. I do feel accomplished, because I came so far, and achieved a lot of things.

College life:

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When you are in college you might feel it's very hard. Especially when final exams comes. The so call hardest phrase in life. If you believe college is very hard. My friend let me tell you, you can't wait for adulthood, and working phrase. Looking back, high school, and college is actually one of the most easiest things in life. When I was in college, I never worried about getting a job, paying for bills. Don't get me wrong they're some students that already going through that phrase. I was a type of student that never participated in activities, because I thought it wasn't that important. I was wrong, I was even offered to become part of student comity. The other regret will be not knowing about the existence of internships. That sure could of helped me a lot when it comes to gaining experience, and making job hunting more easier. Let's make a list of things/my thoughts when I used to study in my old University:

1. I already know all this, there's no need for me to pay attention in class. (wrong!)

2. Finding a job is easy, because when I graduate, I'm going to work as a Graphic Designer. (I was high apparently. I know this blog design have a lot of mistakes)

3. Money grow from trees phase. (Oh! Sharly you don't know what lies ahead of you)

4. I'm better than anyone. (My last semester I broke, as in I lost myself deeply. Did I mentioned you are human also?)

5. Dating is a waste of time, and will hold me back.

6. Studies will help me get a job. (NOT!)

7. I'll make my dreams/goals come true, no matter what! (Long way to arrive there Sharly)

8. If I drop out of college I would never get a job. (That is not true, if you only knew about dark secrets)

9. I'm happy being by myself. (5 years later, I think the opposite)

10. My dream to live in Japan. (reality slap me in the face)

There's a lot of thing, and could write better, but I'm in a hurry. The reason will be my next topic.

Work Life (Adulthood):

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My living nightmare since I was a little girl. I spend one whole year looking for a job. A whoooole year. I was living hopelessly. Until I met someone who I felt in love with, when that ended, my world turned upside down again. That's a whole other story, but it relates. I felt into a depression. The only thing I did was cry and cry. Until one day I met that guy. I was extraordinary happy. He's being mentioned, because of many things. When I was drove home with him, we always passed a building of a tree filled with Christmas lights. I told myself how wonder, and beautiful it is. Guess what? That tree is next to the building I'm currently working at this moment. When he broke up. I went crazy, and did many things, I wouldn't dare to do. This includes going to my first job interview, which is the same job I'm currently working. Let me leave it here then. I walked into that interview, knowing nothing of the company, and I was surprised when they called me, one week before my graduation. I'm grateful, I found a job that is near my home. Not everyone gets that blessing. I been through 18 days of training, and guess what? Tomorrow, Monday, October 5, 2015. I'll be working for real. Yes I'm nervous, didn't got a chance to study, because Friday I got very extremely sick. I spend two whole days sleeping. I never felt so horrible. I hope tomorrow I feel brand new. I'm not sure if I'll lose my job, because I admit this is new to me, and I don't feel ready at all. As I said, I didn't study to be this or nothing. I'm grateful that the company took the risk to hire me. I'll do my best. Time for short list:

1. Working is not that easy.

2. Pay days feels amazing, until I'll land in the bills phase.

3. Sitting for 9 hours is not happiness.

4. I studied graphic design because my dream was not to be lockup in 4 walls, and look at me. In a small cubicle.

5. This job attacks all my weaknesses in one. So I know, I had improved a lot.

6. It's so different than college that's for sure.

7. That epic moment when you get an ID card that allows you to open doors, and you sign in with a finger scanner.

8. Getting sick, is worst than a horror movie, specially if you have to work on a job that requires to talk 24/7 with sore throat.

9. Do not provide any personal information for security purposes. (trust me)

10. I hope I won't get fired.

Thank you for taking your time for reading this.

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