Little Journal

I bought a small journal because I wanted to buy one for a long time. I had my eye on one for a very long time, a journal from Forever21. It took me 2-3 weeks to decide, if I should buy it or not. In the end I finally got a chance and bought it. Here is the Journal.

I got inspired by Bubzbeauty to have this Journal. You are probably wondering; 'Why is this journal of hers is important? A Journal is just to write every single event that occurred in her present life, is it not? Why waste time on writing something that you'll probably never read it?' 
  • Why is this journal of hers is important you may ask? As I mentioned in one of the questions is to record every event that occurred in your present life through writing. In the next question I'll explain it more deeply.
  • A Journal is just to write every single event that occurred in her present life, is it not? That is correct. It all depends how you use a Journal. Some people just write in their journals, if so there's a strong possibility they'll throw the journal away or never read it again. But I'm currently studying for those who don't know Digital Imaging, I was going to choose Graphic Design but I could not commute a extremely far distance every day. So I chose the nearest option. Being a designer means being inside a world full of creativity, including imagination. I don't just write inside a journal, I print little pictures if it's related to the topic and paste them in the pages. Decorating the pages, doesn't matter if it's with stickers, drawings, ribbons, stamps, flowers or anything you could possibly find. The important thing is to bring all those pages to life. So in 1 to 5 or even 10 years later when you see your journal again, your own creativity, inspires you to pick it up and read it. If you must ask, how you suppose to feel when you pick it up? You must feel if you're picking up a scrapbook. Don't get me wrong you can do a scrapbook if you wish to, but for me a Journal is more portable and simple to work with. You may be demanding a example; A perfect example will be traveling or moving overseas. When you travel carrying a scrapbook will be tricky, especially fitting it inside your suitcases. If you put it on boxes during the moving, those boxes might get lost and you'll probably won't get to see them again. While a tiny Journal can even fit inside your purse or on your carry-on luggage or bag easily. Not sure if this makes any sense or you're understanding what I'm trying to say.
  • Why waste time on writing something that you'll probably never read it? Brilliant question. If you're asking me this personally. I don't write on my Journal everyday, because I don't write about everything that occurred to me on a specific day. 

Here is a list of what I'm going to write inside this Journal;

1. Things I'm thankful for, that occurred in my present life.

2. Blessings that had or will occur to me.

3. A memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Just this 3 simple things, it could be more, but lets just mention those 3. Why those 3? For me a journal is a tiny book where you write about this 3 subjects, so when the future you reads it, the future you will realize life is not that bad, even if you're in your darkest hours in the moment when you read it. It brings you hope, relief, happiness, etc. My Journal mission is to let me know, in every darkness there's a light, in my stubborn or blindest moments I can realize I had so many blessings in the past, I shouldn't be worrying about the tiniest or biggest things might be occurring or had occurred, because in the end tomorrow is literally a brand new day. Always press forward and never look back. Feel fear, just do it. Take pains, be perfect. This Journal mission is to inspire and remind me to live my life if it was my last.

I apologies if there's any incorrect writing, this is my first time writing a post for my blog.

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