Japanese Vocabulary: Hiragana


Hiragana is used for words that comes from the Japanese language. Japanese language? There are three main vocabulary:

Hiragana: Used for words that comes from Japan.
Katakana: used for words that comes from the Japanese language
Kanji: is the combination of hiragana, it can be used as pictography.

Pictography: The perfect example will be Kawa for river the writing for kawa is like drawing a river.

For this blog I will post the hiragana characters. For you to learn:

You can learn it fast by learning it with words. (Some are not real words, just have fun with it) Here are some order words to make the practice easier:

1. Mo mo
2. Ka ra te
3. i nu
4. se n se i
5. Ki mo no
6. a ta
7. me n i
8. a ta
9. ke ko to
10. shi su fu
11. ha ku sa ke
12. ri ya mi
13. na tsu o 
14. wa e ma
15. chi ro nu
16. yu mu ru
17. ne re
18. wo

Number 18. Wo is pronounced as an O. It is used as a particle. 

I brush my teeth. = Teeth wo brush
I drink juice. = Juice wo drink
I check my email. = Email wo check

If you have any questions feel free to ask. (^_^)b


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